Graduation Function and Sewing Machine Distribution

A J Thomas, Principal (in-charge) of Government Arts College, Dr S Shanmugam, V Govindarajan, Proprietor of Janaki Ammal Wedding Hall and Prakash, President, Gudalur Valley Rotary Club were present as special guests at the Felicitation Function held in Gudalur. 36 students of Sevalaya Samaritan Mahakavi Bharatiyar Community College were given Certificates of completion of Tailoring course at a function held on 17 July 2022. Free Sewing Machines were given to 11 deserving Girl Students.
Sumathi was awarded the best employee award for her outstanding work in Sevalaya and Sheena Subees was given a gold coin for completing 5 years of service in Sevalaya. The special guest Prakash said that an order to sew bags, which will be distributed on behalf of the Rotary Club for environmental protection, to the community college students of Sevalaya.